Desire Of My Soul

Flashes of Lightning – 2025: Heavenly Chamber, Father’s Urgent Call, Exhortation


The heavenly chamber. The Father’s urgent call. The exhortation. Three components of 2025’s watchwords from New Year’s Eve intercession.


I will take my stand at my watch post and station myself on the tower and look out to see what He will say to me.” —Habakkuk 2:1

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WATCHWORD GIVEN: At the stroke of midnight (heralding in January 1, 2025) through the third watch (midnight to 3 am).


A distinct vision stood before me during my latest New Year’s Eve midnight rendezvous with God, a longstanding, specially designated intercessory appointment for the coming year’s watchwords.


But in the weeks prior, He’d given guideposts that I recorded—three spiritual dreams, followed by a fourth in the early hours of New Year’s. Each vivid, each a brick in the buildup to round out the 2025 watchwords.


Only excerpts of two dreams—the third and fourth that sandwiched the New Year’s Eve intercession, titled below—are woven into the last section of this post.


Dream 3. White Parchment: stand fiercely

Dream 4. Gowned Bride Running Late: discern the schemes


The other two watchword-dreams appear in separate prior posts, though connected: Buffet, No Food and 61/22.


For easy reading, this post is divided under three subheads:

The Heavenly Chamber. The Father’s Urgent Call. The Exhortation.





As the Holy Spirit surrounded me after midnight, He soon brought me to an ethereal, broad yet unwalled chamber, embodied in a heavenly white with delicate, regal architecture rising in the distant front.


A chamber . . .




Set apart. Intimate.

Holy. Kadosh. (קָדוֹשׁ)

Ensconced in immeasurable awe and reverence.

A stilling, holy quiet.


A heavenly prayer chamber that hushed a thousand questions . . . and a thousand more concerns. Hamakom (המקום)—the place, His place where shalom is inhaled and exhaled. Where my soul can see this world and pray from Heaven’s eyes, from Heaven’s heart.


I was alone in the white silence but not alone. My King’s presence was with me. For He is Hamakom Hakadosh (המקום הקדוש), The Holy Place.


Song of Solomon 1:4

Draw me after you and let’s run together!

The king has brought me into his chambers.


God’s Desire. Our King yearns for one thing in His bridal prayer chamber: You.


You, rushing to Him more often, with more longing for Him and more intentionality. Sitting in His holy quiet. An act of worship. An act of honest love. Allowing the flames of His heart to ignite the flames of yours.


A heaven-earth convergence. Where you abandon all defaults, rote wording and thinking. Instead, listening for His words. His lead. There, a deeper work begins within you, little by little, in His time, burning off the dross, melting away the hardness, kashering (making ready for use) your soul so you can walk in maturity and intercede with prayers led by Heaven.


“Come to me,” says the Lord in Matthew 11:28 to the tired, weary, burdened. “Come,” says the Holy Spirit in Revelation 22:17. “Come! Let the one who is thirsty come.”


“Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”Jeremiah 33:3





During that same midnight-onward intercession on New Year’s Eve, while my arms were lifted and far apart, the LORD placed a large word into my open hands. The word—ZION—extended from one outstretched hand to the other.


That word—encompassing Israel and Jerusalem—has been the center of my personal intercessory calling for many years. And although He was confirming something in that image and another image immediately following it, I sensed that this first word-image was a clarion 2025 call to believers everywhere.


Prayer focused on Israel/Jerusalem is what the Father is setting in our hands. It’s His heart call and a biblical command . . . and critical in this turbulent time in Israel—and for what lies ahead that only He knows.


Not only is Zion surrounded by a growing list of terroristic, demonic-driven enemies in a world drunk on anti-semitism, but she is THE EPICENTER of God’s unfolding last-days prophetic events.


Remember . . . Adonai says, “You are my Servant, Israel, through whom I’ll show my glory . . . and who says, “I will make you a light to the nations so my Salvation can spread to the ends of the earth.” —Isaiah 49:3,6


Of course, that doesn’t negate battling in prayer for the numerous other issues blanketing our lives and the world. It all matters to God. Every detail. Every heartache. Every tear. He is faithful and true—to Israel and to you.


May we be obedient and revere the LORD at all times

who calls Jerusalem the pupil of His eye and says that He will be

“a wall of fire to her on all sides,

and He will be the glory in her midst.”

Zechariah 2:5


(A cursory list of scripture-reminders are at the end of this post.)





Can you discern the enemy’s slick games and twisted words? These two dream excerpts—given to me as bookends to the New Year’s Eve watchwords—are a heads-up to what may be pulling on you and confirm God’s authority over it all.



Stand fiercely


Throughout the dream, I was clutching a rectangular white parchment-like bag, holding it near to my chest. It was about 18 inches long and 16 inches wide. The feel of the parchment was vivid through the dream and after I woke up.

A small group of people also were there. We sat in a car, darkened inside as if we were parked at night with the car and lights turned off and no street lights.


I sat in the middle backseat, seemingly trapped. Two darkened figures sat on other side of me. Another darkened figure sat facing forward in the front passenger side.


I knew the contents of the parchment bag held proof that these people had hidden, deceiving plans, the antithesis of how they were portraying themselves to others.


I kept expecting them to haul off and grab the parchment since it would expose their whole game plan–strategies, deceit, phony ways, lies. But instead, they kept eyeing the bag while trying to convince me they were good people and that I just didn’t understand them. They wanted me to go somewhere with them to talk about it.


Nope. I didn’t trust them and kept guarding the parchment.


Then a blonde-ish haired male figure entered the car and slid into the driver’s seat. Clearly he held some level of leadership or power. He came across as dangerous and certainly not trustworthy, a true manipulator and out to destroy or harm and sway. Whether that intent was to harm me in order to get to the bag, I didn’t know.


I could see a bit more of him, unlike the darkened, shadowed, faceless figures that were shrouded in the car. Interestingly, he never completely turned to see me straight on, face to face. That seemed sly-like. So I gripped the parchment tighter and kept rejecting their claims of having good intentions, as if the content in my parchment bag was false.


Eventually, we got out of the car. No one attempted to rob the parchment. We all stood there, them waiting for me to go with them for more discussion.


I didn’t. Instead, they watched me walk away clutching the parchment bag of proof.


Why? I believe it was because they had to. They had no authority to take the parchment or me. But they were permitted to try to tempt, lure, deceive, sway me.


Bottom line. I may have kept the parchment close to me, but the parchment was really keeping me. It exposed the twisted words, lies, sway of the enemy. Because the parchment was the Word of God. In the dream, it was symbolic of the ancient biblical scrolls written on parchment paper.



Discern the enemy’s schemes


If you’re a born-again believer in Jesus our Messiah, you’re His Bride, the Betrothed. And with that, there’s a cautionary tale here in this short dream excerpt.


I was dressed in a bridal gown but couldn’t leave for the wedding. My groom was waiting at the altar, yet well-meaning people kept stopping me from leaving. Everyone had a need, so I hurried and helped this one and then that one and another and another . . . but time was running out. If I didn’t leave, I definitely was going to be late for my wedding!


As I turned again to go, two people stopped me. One actually grabbed my arm, pointed to a woman, and in a near-convincing tone said, “But she needs you, she’s going through so much.” Well, no argument there. The woman legitimately was distraught.


Pressed, I had to decide. A Mary vs a Martha moment. I’m both at times, divergent. But my longtime intercessory calling, ministry, and comfort are totally the Mary side. When the rising needs of others nudge into my Mary space, I can get pushed out of that comfort zone and into the Martha zone.


The merciful Martha seeing the heaviness weighing on others, busy wanting to bless them, nourish them (spiritually and physically) as a service before God. But the lovesick, grateful, WORD-student Mary in me hungers for His voice and presence, the quietness He gives my soul. Only then can my Mary-ness rise, spiritually realigned and refilled, to bring a refreshing cup of water (spiritual and otherwise) to others.


How it had to play out. In the dream, the need this distraught woman had was great . . . but the pull to obey and keep my word to my groom was stronger. How could I dishonor the One who rescued me, who deserves all my love, by keeping him waiting even longer at the altar?


Or do I prayerfully trust God, follow His timing and lead, and obediently run to fulfill my intimate appointment with my groom, resting in the fact that God will love on this troubled woman, calling forth the exact source of help needed for her situation?


Legitimate needs are everywhere. And however we can help, as He leads, we should. But if it’s at the expense of what our King, our Groom, has called us to—like meeting Him when called into the holy prayer chamber, resting when He tells us, getting out of His way when instructed, etc.—then it’s outside of our abilities at that moment.


Sure, it can be a precarious line. And some may not understand. But that fine line must be walked in obedience, His leading, His balance. That means stepping aside and trusting Him in the process. We’re not the default rescuer for life’s situations. God is the preeminent one. No default required. Ever.


And when God does move in their situation using whatever unexpected resource He chooses, He alone will get the glory and the person’s faith and relationship with Him will grow.


Four watchword-actions for this year:


1. Run to His holy prayer chamber often

2. Intercede for the Father’s heart (Zion)

3. Study/know/fiercely stand on the Word (the holy parchment) to confront the enemy

4. Watch out for spiritual disrupters disguised with legitimate needs that rob your time with Him and whatever He’s called you to at that time.




ZION: Father’s Heart Scriptures

Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; May they prosper those who love you.


Isaiah 25:25. Here is Adonai’s answer [to Israel]: Even a warrior’s captives will be snatched away, and the booty of the fearful will be freed. I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children.


Isaiah 52:8 Listen! Your watchmen are raising their voices. They’re shouting for joy together for they will see before their own eyes when Adonai restores Zion.


Isaiah 62:1,6,7

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not keep quiet, until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, and her salvation like a torch that is burning.

On your walls, Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; All day and all night they will never keep silent.

You who profess the Lord, take no rest for yourselves; And give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem an object of praise on the earth.



Lighthouse by Michael Krahn on Unsplash

White cathedral arches by Sophie Soilmann on Unsplash

Israeli pin, kippah, flag by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Bride scaling rock by Dylan Siebelink on Unsplash.

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