From its fledgling beginnings back in early 2019 distributing prayer requests to a handful of family/friends via texts, this expanded watchmen group of fellow believers in Yeshua (Jesus) unite in prayer before the throne of our Messiah to stand in the gap for others.>
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Please join us before our King . . .
The latest prayer needs: listed below, after intro message
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Battles continue to escalate around us, within us, throughout the globe–spiritually and physically. A recent article posted on Arutz Sheva (Israeli media) by an Orthodox rabbi said something that you may well have long come to realize …
May we be vigilant throughout each day, alert prayer warriors on reconnaissance who not only recognize the situations and needs surrounding us at any given moment but turn our minds, souls, and tongues to prayer in that strategic, God-highlighted moment.
FEBRUARY 5, 2025
Praise God’s faithful healing hand! Since the successful surgery to remove fluid from her brain, Shirl continues to be healing really well! She has one more PT treatment and is doing fine. Shirl and hubby Bruce are grateful for your prayer support!
To God be the glory! Continuing with her long-term immunotherapy treatments for allergies, asthma/breathing, Michelle’s sense of smell has returned far more (almost total)! Thank you, prayer warriors—she cherishes your continued prayers.
God’s kindness moves our hearts! Since beginning the unique treatment for bladder cancer, I.B. has had little or no side effects! Please lift her up in prayer because this is a longer-term treatment. And as a Jew, may she come to know her Jewish Messiah, Yeshua, who loves her deeply.
#4. MARC
Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Request: Since our January 26 S.O.S. text prayer for Marc (37)—whose heart stopped after a drug overdose and who was hospitalized—he, against doctor’s orders, discharged himself from the hospital only to again be transported to ICU via ambulance. He now has pneumonia in both lungs, and his heart isn’t producing enough oxygen. With addiction taking a deeper hold, he has become quite angry, choosing to be estranged from the family who loves him.
Prayer: God’s heart cutting through the darkness. His holiness casting down strongholds. Abba, we lay Marc before you. His defiance and apparent desire to cling to the demonic stronghold caging him need your intervention. Please call to his soul, to the pit of his being, and awaken him to his spiritual and physical condition in a way that moves him so he asks you to free him. Call him to LIFE in you. And please through it all, protect the family, sheltering them on all sides from his disturbing behavior and sometimes frightening or aggressive actions. In Jesus’s mighty name.
Psalm 23:1, 3a
The Lord is my shepherd, I will not be in need . . . He restores my soul.
Request: Steve’s wife, Yeshi, is in the hospital, in grave condition, on life support with no medical intervention. They are believers and have two children.
Prayer: God’s mercies, gentle presence, and comfort. Father, all life is in your hands. Please release your Holy Spirit to bathe Yeshi in your goodness, your shalom, your healing. Wrap your arms around her, let your Word rise within her and your love and will be released. And may your comfort embrace Steve and their children in this difficult time. May they be strengthened by your Presence. In Jesus’s sweet name.
Psalm 125:1
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but remains forever.
Request: There are many issues on all fronts for Zion. But this prayer focus is on the hostages: those released, to be released, remaining after the cease fire.
Prayer: God’s presence. His righteousness and deliverance. Adonai, El Shaddai, may your mercies be with each one. Meet them in the dark tunnels where they are kept, in the inhumane treatment, in the extreme lack of food or medical help, in the hopelessness. And for those released, walk with them along the long, difficult road to acclimation to “normal” life again. Soothe the emotional triggers, the PTSD, the sounds/sights that frighten them in their minds and around them. Please draw them closer so they sense your presence, find comfort in your Word, and lead them to complete and true freedom: Yeshua. In His glorious, saving name.
#7. TONI C
Psalm 42:1
As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for you, God.
Request: Toni, a longtime believer in Yeshua, is battling a few health issues that are not easy to deal with on a daily basis. For years, she’s had migraines, but they are now increasing to the point where it’s making her highly concerned. She also hungers to be drawn even closer to the Lord.
Prayer: God’s grace, mercy, nurturing. Mighty King, please stretch out your arm and draw Toni closer to your chest. Let her rest there, embraced by your presence, healing, love. Let her hear your heart beat for her. And may you cause these migraines to subside, give her relief from the pain and still the fears in her mind and soul. Hold your daughter throughout each day and night, singing words of comfort and deliverance. In Yeshua’s gentle, precious name.
Psalm 120:1
I cried to the Lord in my trouble, and He answered me.
Request: Sharon’s husband recently died unexpectedly at home from a heart attack. Sharon and her son, Douglas (who is on the spectrum), need God’s presence, wisdom, comfort.
Prayer: God’s hand clearing the way. Emmanuel, God with us, spread your wings of protection over Sharon and Douglas. Ease the path for them. Please let your calming Holy Spirit rest on Douglas, dissipating the anger and outbursts. Breathe your Word of love and strength over and through Sharon, now and the challenging months ahead. In Jesus’s faithful name.
Psalm 118:28
You are my God, and I give thanks to You; You are my God, I exalt You.
Request: For quite some time, Roger has suffered with stomach and knee issues (hard to walk). He’s recently undergone various diagnostics to determine and address the gastric issues and another concerning matter: lumps in his arm. He needs God’s help and comfort.
Prayer: God’s grace and healing. Lord, our Great Physician, please step in and heal where others have failed. Bring forth the answers and right treatments—unless you choose to speak healing supernaturally. Sit with Roger so he knows you are with him, guiding, revealing, loving on him. And for those deep needs within him that no one can see or knows but you, please breathe deliverance and strength. Be glorified, our King. In Yeshua’s blessed name.
Psalm 62:7-8
My salvation and my glory rest on God; the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people. Pour out your hearts before Him; God is a refuge for us.
Request: Tony, 86, is ill with kidney issues—they’re functioning at 14%. If they go any lower, he must be put on dialysis.
Prayer: God, our hope. God, our shelter. Sweet King who sees and cares for His people, please stretch out your hand and send healing to Tony, reviving his kidneys and restoring normal function. Keep him alert, nourished, hydrated, and surrounded by those who love and care for him. May your presence bless his soul and give his restful, restorative sleep. In Jesus’s healing name.
#11. ARLY
Psalm 123:1
To You I have raised my eyes,You who are enthroned in the heavens!
Request: Arly has had complications from a hysterectomy and enduring much pain. She needs God’s intervention for healing.
Prayer: God’s mercy and restoration. Adonai, you and you along hold us, care for us. Please spread your merciful wings and cover Arly, releasing your healing, giving her comfort, full relief from the pain, and your voice nurturing her soul through the process. Please give her doctors understanding and guide them in medical excellence to help her. And may she come to know her Jewish Messiah and rejoice at what you’ve done to bless her. In Yeshua’s redemptive, holy name.
#12. MARY T.
Psalm 138:3
On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul.
Request: While working on her nursing degree and caring for her hubby and four children, Mary recently started a home care job with flexible hours. It certainly will help with concerning fiscal needs. But she needs prayer caring for the dementia patients at the facility who can become quite combative.
Prayer: God’s protection and abundant provisions. King of Heaven and all creation, thank you for blessing Mary with this job. Please continue to watch over her children, every family need, every part of her nursing studies, and every hour on the job. Surround her with angelic protection and discernment to know how to respond in each situation. Shield Mary and her family in your holiness. In the blessed name of Jesus.
#13. J.A.
Psalm 16:7-8a
I will bless the Lord who has advised me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. I have set the Lord continually before me.
Request: God’s confirmation on certain concerns, His provision for a stable residence, and His healing of her tailbone and swelling from a slip on the ice.
Prayer: His Word and will underscored. His provisions, secured. Adonai Tzva’ot, Lord God of Hosts, thank you for watching over J.A. throughout her faith journey across the U.S. May you continue to guide her, make clear your desires, and usher in the appointed place to call home. A place to grow more, serve you more, and grow relationships. Please place your life-giving hands on her body, her tailbone area, her finances, her vehicle, her getting up and lying down. In all things, protect and provide for your glory. In Yeshua’s name that is above all names.
#14. L.Q.
Psalm 143:8
Let me hear Your faithfulness in the morning, for I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; for to You I lift up my soul.
Request: Changes and challenges continue to surround L.Q. She seeks God’s guidance, protection, wisdom, provisions, and favor in finding a new apartment for her and her daughter as well as favor in her new tutoring business for students on the spectrum—and His covering on the seeds of faith sown into her daughter and son.
Prayer: Smooth the waters. Clear the path amid the rapids. Blessed Redeemer, walk across the waves and hold your daughter. Lead her and teach her how to ride the rapids of life, protected in your hand, guided by your Word, and always ensconced by your love. May she and her daughter find a calm and rest within and without because of your presence and your Holy Spirit’s counsel and gentleness. Bless the work of her hands and her service to you, now and all the days of her life. In Yeshua’s gloriously beautiful name.
Psalm 16:8
I have set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Request: God’s hand has been on Michael, who we’ve prayed for before. He’s doing better regarding his long-term troubling health conditions and their effects on his spiritual, emotional, mental life. But more prayer support is needed.
Prayer:Full deliverance. God’s continual covering. Abba, may your Light arise and flood Michael with your hope, healing, deliverance, and Word. May healing from your throne pour over him, reviving his soul. And may every spiritual stronghold be demolished, every taunting of the enemy, silenced and removed. Lord, you are everything Michael needs. Guard him on all sides and in all ways. Fill him with your presence to overflowing. In Jesus’s majestic name.
Psalm 112:4
Light shines in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious, compassionate, and righteous.
Request: Each of these women are battling cancer and need God’s presence on every level—and faithful prayer support to help them make it through each day.
Prayer:God’s strength. God’s encouragement and healing breath. Holy King, who is like you? High and lifted up, Mighty. Kari’s, Andrea’s, Vee’s, and Charlene’s cancer and needs are each different, but You know them deeply. Each heartache, each moment of concern, pain, and fear. Please carry them, speak to them in special, deep ways that soothe and heal. May your name be on their lips and your healing wings wrapped sweetly and steadfastly around them 24/7. In Jesus’s blessed, wondrous name.
Psalm 40:16
May all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love your salvation continually say, “The LORD be exalted!”
PRAYER. His Deliverance. His Redemptive Gift. The Son of God. Redeemer King, as we name these people listed below, please run after them, become their hiding place, deliver them from the dark spiritual waters keeping them captive. Please remove the stubbornness, pride, and the lies from satan so they can sense your love and see and understand their need for your redemption plan and receive Jesus, our Messiah, and be saved. It’s in His Mighty, Loving Name we pray.
#1. B’nai Israel (Jews) in Israel and throughout the world, and those caught up in New Age/Buddhism and those not knowing or unwilling to know the truth of Yeshua.
special mentions for salvation and deliverance for the hostages and their families, the Israeli military, Bibi Netanyahu/family and all Israeli leadership, and for unity in the nation
and for these Jewish friends and/or rabbis: the Katz family, Marc, Rabbi Richman, the Temple Institute,, Pardes Institute rabbis/teachers, Rabbi Mintz and family, Rabbi Fohrman, Rabbi Wyne, Rabbi Herlig/Chabad, Rabbi Hecht and family, Rabbi Goodman, Rabbi Cohen, Rabbi Goldbart, Tovia Singer
#2. US Government Officials & Families: Salvation.
Our nation isn’t saved by politicians but by God. It isn’t favored by God because of its politicians but because of its people surrendered to, walking with, and honoring the One, True, Living God, and our Messiah, Yeshua.
President Donald Trump, VP J.D. Vance and wife Usha Vance (she’s Hindu), and all unsaved members of the new administration and the House/Senate and their families.
#3. Prodigals, those who have gone rogue and are now the enemy’s spiritual hostages. Austin and Emily S. and all those we know–and those we see in the film/music/entertainment industry—who once walked with our LORD but fell under the enemy’s beguiling ways.
#4. Salvation for the spiritually lost:
unbelievers in the cast/crew of The Chosen
Anthony & Lilly (following New Age)
Donny D.
Benjamin, Cliff, J., Gary
Bob K, Paul P., Michael, Tim C.
Erica & Richard, Susan R., Erica M.
Cynthia and her family
James J., Alexandria, Cole, Joe D., Mercedes, Bob, Michael
all our family/friends/loved ones who have yet to humble themselves and surrender their souls and lives/lifestyles to our LORD JESUS.
#5. Deliverance and salvation: Joey and “Joan” and “Hannah” (all three need freedom from gender-confusion/gender-bending) and Emily, Annie, Abbie, Barbara E., Michael, J., Barb (all need freedom from the gay/lesbian hold)
PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).