Desire Of My Soul

Prayer Requests Week of July 14, 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus to stand in the gap before the throne for others.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Please join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs: listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


The Lord our God is One. Blessed is his name, righteous are his ways.


Holy King, we are here, your bondservants, standing on your eternal promises, carrying these names and needs before your glorious throne.


May you watch over them and magnify yourself in each one and may your will be done—in their lives and in ours.


And may your mercies be shed from your throne onto the US, Israel, and the world in this most troublesome hour. Thank you for your grace upon former President Trump . . . May his soul be brought to new depths in you for your Name sake and glory.


Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. —1 Chronicles 29:11


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


WEEK of JULY 14, 2024




#1. James. J. (and cousin Jake)

Deuteronomy 30:6

And the Lord your God will circumcise your heart . . . to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live.

James J. was on our prayer list for salvation in March and then in early June (special SOS text) for God’s mercy on his health (a bad vehicle accident that could have paralyzed him). Some of you already know that our King shed his grace over James (he’s walking and humbled by it)—but now James is going to church with his brother.

Thank you, our Mighty, Mighty Redeemer! Please continue to draw James into your salvation and love—and help him lose any desire for the worldly TV shows, etc. he watches that might compromise his walk with You. Also, we lift up his cousin Jake who needs the redemption power of the cross, found only in Jesus our Messiah.


#2. Cristina & Maria in Spain

2 Corinthians 1:3-4a

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation . . .

Cristina battles with MS but also recently had COVID and a broken wrist. Compounding things, her daughter Maria is deep in depression.

Precious King, you who searches our hearts, hears our cries, and rejoices over us with songs of deliverance, please release encouragement and healing to Cristina and lift and cast off the dark cloud of lies and hopelessness surrounding Maria, replacing it with your Holy Spirit, our comforter, the carrier of your Word, counsel, guidance.


#3. LeeAnn’s Family

Acts 16:30-31

And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

A sister in the Lord, LeeAnn has been called up to glory and now resides with her Savior King. But her family—husband Michael and daughters Ariel, Kira, Bailey—are unsaved.

Adonai, reveal your greatness in your Word and surround this family with your truth so they may have the eternal comfort that can only come from your presence through the King of kings, Jesus.


#4. Patty

Hebrews 10:25

Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

A Christian, Patty hasn’t been to church/fellowship for awhile and is missed.

May the Lord call her back into the fold so she can be strengthened in his Word and joyful with his people who love her.


#5. Gaby

1 Thessalonians 5:3

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Maria’s niece recently had a hysterectomy and needs the Lord for salvation and her full recovery.

May our great Healer walk beside Gaby and impart his love, redemption, truth, healing so her life is overflowing in him.


#6. Maria R.

3 John 2

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

Maria has walked the long, wonderful road with her Savior but has health concerns.

May the lover of her soul cover her, speak deep and hidden things to encourage her and heal her fully so his Name is magnified.


#7. Hannah

Psalm 121:5

The LORD will guard you; he is your shadow, he is by your right hand.

A junior at UNLV and on their swim team, Hannah has a series of health issues with no solid treatment plans, from hyperthyroidism and exhaustion to headaches and passing out.

El Shaddai, Mighty God, please reach down and cover your daughter Hannah, reveal what lies beneath and behind these medical problems and pave a clear path of wisdom of how to handle them and heal them—whether in the natural or your supernatural intervention. All for your Glory!


#8. Marcus

Ephesians 3:20-21

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Marcus is seeking solid, fiscally viable work opportunities so he can contribute more to the household shared with his brothers.

Abba, all things are within your power, within your right hand, flowing from your lovingkindness. Please open the floodgates for Marcus, giving him the resources and abilities to cast his net wide and bountifully.


#9. Bonnie & Maggie

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

For a long time, Bonnie has been suffering every day with pain and difficulty sitting/lying down and walking (even when using a walker). She’s patiently believing God for relief and healing. Meanwhile her 17-year-old daughter Maggie (Down Syndrome) has a sleep disorder and other health issues. Both are traveling to Salt Lake City for a week on July 17 to see specialists and praying for God’s lead and grace.

Adonai, your Word is truth, your promises eternal. Please give wisdom and understanding to the physicians/medical team and reveal what you want done for your glory and Bonnie’s/Maggie’s good. May you cover them and their travel-companion Sonia with your protection and mercies.


#10. Sonia

Genesis 22:14

And Abraham named the place, The Lord will see, as it is said to this day: On the mountain, the Lord will be seen.

Please lift up this sweet sister in the Lord, Sonia. Besides her health concerns (arthritic shoulders and pre-diabetic), she’s seeking the Lord’s provision for her car repair and excellence in the repair. She’s in her 80s and needs her vehicle for work.

Yehovah-Yireh, the Presence/the God who sees, please rise up and show your daughter the things she needs to know, see, understand, receive . . . and, please, may your Chesed (lovingkindness) release the funds from many or one generous direction to cover every need.


#11. Leslie G.

Jeremiah 18:1-3

The Lord said: “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.” Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel.

Seeking God’s favor and direction on her calling and full-time ministry potential in her teaching field. Many life-changing events occur this month for her.

Merciful King, may you arise and your enemies scatter . . . so your daughter is carried in your arms, seeing the deliverance and provisions of your loving hands and witnessing the call you’ve placed upon her life. May your promises be lifted up and your Name blessed.


#12. Colodisha

Psalm 83:18

Let them know that You—Your name alone is the Lord—are the Most High over all the earth.

A strong woman of faith, Colodisha is finalizing her memoir/testimony book while obediently waiting on the Lord for his next move in her life.

El Elyon, we ask that every detail is done to your will and glory—and that you will make things clear so your daughter knows the when/how/what of your “soon” shifting and that her testimony will bring many to your Kingdom.


#13. Trevor

Psalm 23:1-3

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He causes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

This 16-year-old faces many challenges and is headed to Phoenix Children Hospital soon. He and his mom need a mighty move of God to sort through it all.

May the Most High God cover them with shelter and grace, ushering in healing, physically, mentally/emotionally, and spiritually through Jesus, our Great Shepherd.


#14. Serene

1 Peter 5:10

But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.

Serene is seeking God’s hand on many things, from her memoir-testimony manuscript draft to her finances and personal life.

Adonai, may you stretch out your tallit over Serene’s life, every nook and cranny, reviving, restoring, and blessing her health, finances, familial relationships, and bringing forth the creativity and memories for her book’s development–and may everything be for your glory.


#15. James W. & Alexandria

1 Timothy 4:10

For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all mankind, especially of believers.

Thirty-year-old James is a believer, seeking to do right before the Lord and mature in his faith. His long-distance girlfriend has had a difficult past (drug-related) and in a dark environment needing to be set free on several levels.

Abba, we know that you and you alone are the God of change, the God of restoration, the God of eternal freedom in Christ Jesus. Please have your way in this relationship and these two souls. May they hunger for you above all else. O King, please reach through the hardships, miscommunication, darkness, and confusion to bring forth your Light that demolishes the enemy’s handiwork and births your beauty and strength from the ashes.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Prayer Requests Mid-June 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

Prayer Requests Mid-June 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus to stand in the gap before the throne for others.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Please join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs: listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


Here we stand, Lord, ready before you on behalf of others..


Mighty King, please strengthen us, teach us in prayer, refine us amid the storm—and usher in swift intervention to bring down the raging Goliaths in our lives.


I was asleep but my heart was awake. A sound! My beloved is knocking!—Song of Songs 5:2a


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


Mid-June 2024






2 Samuel 22:2

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer . . .

He’s been on our prayer list before. Matt is bipolar with emotional issues and landed in a Salt Lake City jail last year—and recently was facing even more time, totaling 5 to 8 years, he said. It was confusing and crushing news on many levels. Then on June 13, our prayers (and tears) for God’s mercy were answered! Out of the blue he was told he was getting released that day! I have to say, I sat stunned by God’s unfathomable mercy and love.

Merciful Father, your lovingkindness is too wonderful for us to comprehend. Please keep Matt in your hand, you know his needs—especially his walking with you again, safe housing to stop homelessness, staying on his meds, restarting his disability funds.


#2. Chris’s PRAISE REPORT!

Psalm 34:17

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

In January, Chris, a 53-year-old, longtime homeless man in Ohio, was on our prayer list for stability, God’s mercies, blessings, and healing (body, mind, soul). He was doing odd jobs—even construction work from my Uncle Gene/Aunt Marian who are in their 80s and building a new home. In fact, whenever possible, they purposely are using needy workers like Chris versus hiring a construction company, so their housebuilding is about helping others along the way to have work and dignity.


Yowza! God moved on this prayer and through my aunt/uncle’s holy work. Chris and his girlfriend now have an apartment! And Chris is sharing his blessings by helping and encouraging other down-and-out people, some of who are now also working on my aunt/uncle’s house project. Blessings begetting blessings begetting blessings, showering on others.


Gracious Father, thank you, thank you, thank you! Please let your mercies and provisions and favor be on Chris and those he has blessed so they may all know you and honor our Lord and Savior, our Messiah Jesus.


#3. Gene

Isaiah 65:24

Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.

My Uncle Gene—mentioned in the prior praise report about Chris—hasn’t been well for nearly six months. Doctors haven’t found the cause—yet he continues with the housebuilding and blessing others.

Precious King, stretch out your arms and lift up Gene and Marian strengthening them, guiding them on their building project . . . and cover them with the revelation, mercies, and healing needed for every medical issue.


#4. Israel’s Prime Minister, Bibi Netanyahu

1 Samuel 17:45

Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

The weight on Netanyahu is crushing—if it weren’t for God.


Holy God of Israel, help Netanyahu stand in faith on your majestic name, faithful character, scriptural promises, and lean on you for strength and direction. May Isaiah 43:1 come alive in his soul and throughout all of Israel’s military. May they stand on that truth, no matter what other nations say or do. Lord, you are, as promised, going ahead of Israel and you are and always will be their rearguard (Isaiah 52:12).


Please help Netanyahu and the IDF be lifted in courage, alive in hope, filled with a song in their soul based on your Word so they can run with the horses (Jeremiah 12:5)—able to excel on every war front. And may the truth of their Messiah Jesus reign in their hearts, minds, souls.


#5. Michael and parents

Psalm 6:2

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled

The battle is intense within Michael. Anger, depression, illness. He’s in a dark place that’s piercing his parents’ heart. They seek God’s deliverance, intervention, and supernatural wisdom of how to proceed.

Warrior King, please arm your servants Diana and her husband with the power and promise of Ephesian 6:10-18. Pierce through the darkness taunting Michael and bring down and cast out the Goliaths in his life so he is freed, victorious, seated in your hand, and surrounded by your holiness, comfort, wholeness, and truth.


#6. Bernie

Psalm 41:3

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Bernie has had a full plate for years, faithfully rising to her family’s special needs. Now she is in need, seeking God’s timing and covering for her hip replacement surgery, his excellence and presence over the medical team, her pre-op, operation, and recovery.

Behold your daughter, Adonai, and carry her through this, wrap her in your holy tallit of healing and let her sense your presence and hear your voice in joyful ways like never before. May your Word rise within her soul, refreshing her and lifting her to a sweet, deeper love in you.


#7. Mary T’s Dad

Psalm 146:8a

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind . . .

Mary’s dad has a tumor in his lungs and may not have much time left.

Majestic King, you see how Mary’s dad needs you for his health, to calm fears, to bring comfort from the pain–but especially how his soul needs salvation. We know it is not your will that even one parishes. Please remove any hardness and spiritual blindness from his soul. Help him see, believe, and surrender to your glorious redemptive plan and eternal promises of salvation through Jesus, our Redeemer-Messiah.


#8. Kevin’s Aunt Barbara

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Barbara was in ICU for an attempted suicide. Raised Catholic, she’s a nurse but since her husband died a few years ago, she’s been depressed and on medication. The enemy has her in a grip of mourning, her hope and joy deferred.

Father, carry Barbara in your arms. Oh how she needs you and the freedom and peace you’ve given us in Jesus. Speak words of healing and hope to her soul and may your truth and presence restore her joy and set her free from satan’s hold and lies.


#9. Jamie

Psalm 138:3

On the day I called, you answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul.

You’ve been praying for Jamie and we thank you. But now the cancer treatments for his stage 4 lung/liver cancer aren’t working well and caused his recent hospital stay. He has treatment decisions to make.

Merciful Father, may your grace, favor, calm, comfort, and immense love be evidenced, palpable, and boldly believed in the crevices of Jamie’s soul. And may he rise like an eagle and find continued strength in your embrace as he seeks your will in his decision-making.


#10. Gabriel

Isaiah 30:21

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.

After our breakfast outing, my friend Sonia and I were blessed to give the Gospel to Gabriel by an unexpected move of the Lord. Gabriel is a young man from Mexico living in Vegas but has no family in town. He listened to the Gospel, took a tract with a Christian bookmark and Sonia’s most-precious gift, a Bible.

Mighty Redeemer, please soften Gabriel’s soul, protect your Word soijen and given to him, and bless him with a deep understanding of the beauty of your redemption story so he can embrace the salvation and joy in our Messiah Jesus.


#11. Brian

Psalm 107:6

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress.

Another young man my friend Sonia and I met on our unexpected God-ordained ministry day. Brian is homeless and wants to find his mother and get to his brother Matthew who is not well in another state. He prayed with us and seeks God’s help with provisions and in working out all these family and housing issues.

May God arise in Brian’s life in new, surprising, wondrous ways and release provisions and relational healings for his good and God’s glory.


#12. James

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Thirty-year-old James is asking God for wisdom, direction on his life, positive changes, and deliverance for those situations binding him.

Lord Most High, you see the struggles, you hear James’s cries. Reach down and point the way and clearly set the answers before him. Teach him, mature his walk of faith in you throughout the journey so you are glorified and his joy in you is complete.


#13. Toni

Psalm 73:26.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

A senior citizen, Toni has had some increasing health challenges and is finally getting help but she’s fallen a few times in her apartment and is on oxygen 24/7. She’s a longtime Christian leaning on her King to carry her through.

Abba, please sit with your daughter, send angels to minister to her, be the breath within her lungs and her soul and encourage her in your love. May the sweet fragrance of your presence and heaven fill her home and heart.


#14. Leslie & children

Psalm 34:4-5a

I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant.

A strong believer going through a challenging divorce and discovering God’s love at every turn. She’s seeking improved health, wisdom on decisions regarding her ministry work, salvation for her teen/autistic son, and protection over health/personal concerns for her young daughter.

Mighty King, please surround Leslie and her family with your goodness and endless mercies. Shine your radiant light of truth and love over them. Make your will clearly known and understood, your healing on her body complete. And please release new resources to meet every need. King of the fight, soften her son’s heart to hear your truth and your voice and not the enemy’s lies. And please keep her daughter sheltered in your arms, stilling her fears.


#15. Michelle & Jason

Proverbs 4:20-22

My son, be attentive to my words . . . keep them within your heart . . . they are life and healing to you.

They both need God’s grace, strength, mercies, and healing because of health issues: Michelle’s ongoing allergy problems (with breathing problems and extremely limited food to eat). And Jason’s weakened ankles and his need for a calmed mind, resting in God’s arms.

Father, thank you for drawing Jason and Michelle to your heart. Please shelter them, strengthen them, gird them in your love and Word, breathe your healing through them, and keep them safe under your glory wings.


#16. Anonymous

Psalm 25:6

Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.

This gracious senior citizen—a mighty woman of God—is seeking her Lord’s hand on her health issues so she can serve him more and others: arthritic shoulders, kidneys, and pre-diabetes.

Lord, envelope your daughter, restore her, revive her, bathe her in your heavenly wisdom and understanding. May your presence in her home be her constant companion.


#17. Jeff

2 John 3:2

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

Jeff is in his early 40s with major thyroid issues—he’s had to use a feeding tube for several months and needs God’s strength and encouragement.

Lord, see your servant and strengthen him, encourage him, cover him, lovingly lifting him under your wings for assurance, hope, and healing.


#18. Avery

Isaiah 40:29.

He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.

Avery has had quite a journey. Her past exposure to mold eventually caused auto-immune issues and diminished health, forcing her and her husband Ryan to move from the Midwest to warmer, drier Las Vegas. She still has a ways to go.

Lord God, please intervene and release your mantle of healing. And bring Avery and Ryan the beauty and freedom and truth of the Messiah Jesus, our Redeemer and healer.


#19. Nina

Psalm 31:1

In you, O Lord, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame, in your righteousness deliver me.

Some of us got an SOS prayer request when Nina went to court recently about her divorce. Her ex is shirking his fiscal responsibilities per the agreement. Nina was advised to get a lawyer going forward.

Merciful King, our judge, our advocate, may your hand be on this, may your holy, righteous, and just ways be manifested in the court for your daughter Nina.


#20. Molly (doggie)

Psalm 145:6

You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing.

Little Mollie has had a problem with a heart valve—but God has kept his hand on her, despite vets saying back when that she had six months to live. She’s being doing fine for a long time but now has bad teeth that need removing; however the vet won’t do the procedure since she can’t go under anesthesia with her heart condition. Her human family needs comfort and wisdom.

Lord, you look on the great and the small and are sovereign over all the earth. May your mercies cover Molly and this family. And may your love prevail over Mollie according to your will and over this family.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Prayer Requests May-June 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus to stand in the gap before the throne for others.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Please join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs: listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


It’s time. Let the battle commence—again: intercessory prayer for those hurting, confused, lost, seeking, or caught in the enemy’s strongholds. We seek God’s face, His will, His direction for His namesake and glory.


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


May-June 2024


Stand firm. The enemy is on the prowl sowing chaos and lies—but God is on the throne in all His might and holiness.




#1. Jamie P.

Psalm 46:7

The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

My sweet cousin Jamie is back in the hospital today after a reaction to his treatment for stage 4 lung and liver cancer. What this means going forward is uncertain. El Emunah, Faithful God, be glorified in this. We bow down to you, to your power and majesty. Please do what you do so wonderfully—carry Jamie in your arms and make your presence known like never before. Guide this situation with your mighty, merciful, loving, gentle, healing hand and gift of life.


#2. Toni.

Psalm 27:5

For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent . . .

Toni is on oxygen all the time and experiencing other challenging health issues. El Shaddai, our Almighty, All-Sufficient God, our Precious King, please ease her breathing, shelter her beneath your wings, and lead the way so she can get her residence in order after the daunting move.


#3. Sonia.

Psalm 33:20-21

Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield, for our heart shall rejoice in Him because we have trusted in His holy name.

Our precious, senior-citizen sister in the Lord is having pain in both shoulders, especially the left. Loving Lord, you are Haggo’el, our Redeemer. Please continue to watch over your daughter Sonia, stretch out your mighty wings, shielding and embracing her as you call forth healing and medical wisdom where needed. Bless her sleep and energize her body to fulfill the ministry anointing you’ve set upon her.


#4. Cliff.

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Facing health difficulties, Cliff, a 70-something nonbeliever, is seeking God’s help. Lord, may you arise and show Cliff the beauty of your redemptive plan—the truth, life, and way found only in Jesus, our Messiah.


#5. Brian Morse.

Jeremiah 31:3

The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

From mid-April, some of us were called to pray for Brian who has a stage 4 inoperable lung cancer. May God’s immeasurable mercy and lovingkindness draw Brian to the Lord and bring him strength and peace—and eternal life in our Messiah.


#6. Matt.

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

My 40-year-old, bipolar nephew with some emotional issues when not on meds is in a city jail and just had another sentence added on. Our hearts are deeply broken because he’s out of state and not easy for us to visit. Abba, we seek your face and direction. And we ask for your intervention, ushering in solid Bible studies that honor our Messiah. Please bless Matt with your tangible presence for companionship, learning, spiritual maturing, as well as healing and deliverance in mind, body, and soul.


#7. Que.

Psalm 84:11

For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.

A young believer in the Lord, Que and his family have embarked on a catering/food-truck business. They’re in the midst of changing residences, seeking the Lord’s guidance, provisions, and favor on all that they do. Holy King, you are the Light of the world. Shine your light from heaven onto Que and his family, Round up clients from all directions to enjoy and be blessed by Que’s yummy cooking. And cover Que and his family with your Word, giving them a hunger and thirst for you and your ways always. In Jesus’s sweet, glorious name.


#8. Davida.

Psalm 145:18

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

A lovely Jewish woman who is suffering with a frozen vocal cord. Also, she struggles believing in God, but when I (led by God) encouraged her to read Psalms, she said she would.

Go’el Yisrael, Redeemer of Israel, our God, our King, transform Davida. Release her vocal cord. Bind the enemy’s lies and influence. Give her new spiritual lenses to see you, know you, believe in you, and grow in you and your Word. Make the psalms come alive for her. And help her soul recognize and walk in our Messiah Yeshua/Jesus.


#9. Ruth.

Psalm 143:8

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust.Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Another wonderful Jewish woman who studies Torah. Ruth needs healing for her back (she’s in physical therapy)and for her hubby’s health—he’s battling prostate cancer and diabetes. The LORD is mighty, glorious is His name. May He speak to Ruth and her husband, drawing them closer to Him, revealing Himself, and his relentless love shown through Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah.


#10. J.

Isaiah 46:4

Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

A bright Jewish woman who studies Torah but sees God as energy running in the background of life. Lord of Israel, please step forth in J’s life, imparting heightened and deepened understanding and faith for her to see and know that you are ever present, up close and personal, into the details, and that your Word is true, faithful, immovable. And that you are manifested in Yeshua who came up from within you.


#11. Caroline B.’s Family.

Psalm 34:18

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

We prayed in April for Caroline who was at eternity’s door. She has since crossed that threshold . . . but now her family needs prayer for comfort and salvation that can only be found in our Messiah and King, Jesus.


#12. Leslie.

Philippians 1:9-10

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.

As this dear sister in the Lord sits obediently before our King, she is waiting for His direction, timing, provisions for her ministry calling. Her heart’s desire is to please Him in all that she does. Adonai Tsuri v’go’ali, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, hear the cry of your daughter’s heart, woo her to your secret place and continue to reveal in your time and way what she’s to do along each step of her ministry journey.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Prayer Requests April 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus to stand in the gap before the throne for others.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs are listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


It’s time. Let the battle commence: intercessory prayer for those hurting, confused, lost, seeking, or caught in the enemy’s traps. We seek God’s face, His will, His direction for His namesake and glory.


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


APRIL 2024


Stand firm. The enemy is on the prowl sowing chaos and lies—but God is on the throne in all His might and holiness.






We prayed Psalm 91:14-16’s promises over J.B. God has been restoring her! May He continue to strengthen her, deliver her, honor her, and satisfy her heart’s desire before Him.



His love endures forever! (Psalm 136). Some of us had received a 9-1-1 call-to-prayer for my granddaughter Kat whose ovarian cyst burst this past week. She was in terrible pain and at the ER. But God’s love and mercy covered her. She is doing much better, resting a lot, and doesn’t need the pain meds the way she did at the beginning. Please keep her in your prayers for complete healing. Thank you kindly.


#1. Brian S.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Traveling mercies as Brian leaves for a first-time, work-related trip to the Philippines. May God’s hand cover him throughout his journeys and with God’s Word to guide his decisions on all project work. We also pray for the Lord’s protection over his family while he’s gone.


#2. Jamie P.

Exodus 13:21

By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so they could travel by day or night.

My cousin Jamie has reached a decision-making point in his treatment plan for stage 4 lung and liver cancer. May the Lord mightily show His hand and direction that’s as clear to Jamie as that pillar of cloud and fire were in guiding Israel through their wilderness journey. Lord, we seek your healing words, mercy, and will.


#3. Shannon’s Mom & Sister

Isaiah 61:2b

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

When scary challenges surround us . . . we need God’s heaven-earth ladder to raise us up. Shannon’s mom just had surgery for her stage 4 breast cancer (went well, Praise God!) but Shannon also just learned her step-sister has stage 4 cancer. Both cancer patients have added complicated health issues. May our Mighty King breathe strength within all three of these women—and may His mercies and healing reign over them.


#4. Roger

Isaiah 58:8

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.

Next week Roger is having eye surgery. His cataract is so bad that it has caused additional issues in his one eye. They believe the surgery should help correct it. May Roger find complete healing and restful recovery under the wings of our Lord, our mighty king.


#5. Joe, Jim & Dylan

Psalm 34:17

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears
and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Three separate prayer requests—but each needing God’s hand to usher in compassion and healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Joe’s lame leg and health have made life difficult. Meanwhile Jim’s deep mourning for his son who died last September has overtaken him. And Dylan’s life and family are topsy-turvy, needing God’s deliverance, calm, and salvation.


#6. Amir/Miriam Tsarfati & Family

Psalm 138:7

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.

With the escalation of war in Israel, Behold Israel’s Amir and his wife Miriam now have their three adult children—two sons and a daughter—serving in the IDF. May God’s grace be shed upon them at every turn and may He comfort Miriam/Amir and their family, strengthening their faith and love as they look to our Messiah.


#7. Michael

2 Corinthians 10:4

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

Ongoing prayer for 25-year-old Michael who needs deliverance and spiritual, physical, and emotional healing. As a child, he had the joy of the Lord–but from his teens onward, chronic illnesses have stirred up anger and depression. Glorious, Merciful King, please set this captive free to worship you again and walk in your ways.


#8. K.P.

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

K.P. is a believer, working hard to care for his wife and four children. But he needs Adonai to speak freedom from patterned behavior—smoking and occasional binge drinking—and to give K.P. rest from life’s stresses and burdens.


#9. Marian/Gene, Eleanor, Ellie

Psalm 103:13

As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

Three separate requests but family members. My aunt/uncle (Marian & Gene) are in their mid 80s and building a new home—quite the undertaking for their age. Meanwhile my other aunt in her later 80s, Eleanor, is widowed, has health issues, and needs God’s wisdom on if/when she should sell her home and move in with family. Also her granddaughter Ellie is in her early 20s and has back issues. May the Lord make His presence known in all these situations, bearing healing, direction, provision, protection, and abundant blessings from His hand.


#10. Caroline B.

Psalm 107:19-20

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out His word and healed them; He rescued them from the grave.

A 70-something Caroline is in dire straits, health wise. And she and her family need salvation through our Messiah, Jesus. Recently, Caroline was taken to the hospital and put on a ventilator—and then the doctors discovered a large mass on her left kidney, suspected to be cancerous. May our King look upon Caroline and her family with mercy, bringing the salvation message to them in powerful ways as well as healing, wholeness, and comfort.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Prayer Requests March (Part 2) 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus to stand in the gap before the throne for others.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs are listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


It’s time. Let the battle commence: intercessory prayer for those hurting, confused, lost, seeking, or caught in the enemy’s traps. We seek God’s face, His will, His direction for His namesake and glory.


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


March (Part 2) 2024


We pray for you all—prayer warriors and those on this list . . . asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father. —Colossians 1:9b-12a






Psalm 107:1

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

UPDATE! We prayed (March 2024’s list) for the father of Behold Israel’s Pastor Mike. On Monday, our BI prayer team got word that Gary who was quite ill and in the hospital is doing much better. Glory to our King for His mercies, compassion, and kindness!




Psalm 95:2

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

We prayed for Henry (a February 2024 list). He’s been in dire straits—doing drugs, his pregnant girlfriend possibly returning to jail. But . . . he’s doing better (just got a job!) and sent his sister ultrasound pictures of the baby. Please keep them in your prayers: salvation, stable finances, God’s mercy, protection for the baby.


#1. J.B.

Psalm 91:14-16

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

S.O.S. This amazing woman with years following the Lord and writing books to encourage others in Jesus is in a crisis of faith—depression rising. She needs believers to call out to our King, praying that He’ll stop the enemy’s grip on her and that the Holy Spirit will cover her with all Truth to revive, strengthen, and restore her.


#2. J’s Jewish Husband

Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

For years J’s hubby said he’d never believe in Jesus but now started attending a couple’s Bible study with his wife. GLORY! He’s loving it and building relationships. Please lift him up that our Lord’s love and truth will rise up in his soul so he can have the joy and privilege of knowing his Jewish Messiah. Lord, please remove the veil from his heart, soul, eyes!



3 John 1:2

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

This sweet man needs God’s continued healing after having stents put in (successfully) but now is dealing with unrelated back pain. May God’s grace flow from His throne, releasing healing spiritually and physically. Let Your Name, Lord Jesus, arise to bring comfort and joy in you for your glory and this dear person’s good.



Proverbs 4:20-22

Turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”

Matthew: It’s been a rough journey for my 40-year-old bipolar nephew. Lord, please reach down and bring Matthew healing on every level, calm, protection, and full restoration and deliverance of mind, body, soul. Ignite in him a lasting passion for you, reminding him of when he received you as his Savior when he was eight. Surround him, Abba, with your Word, Truth, Life, Way, to the glory of our Messiah.



Isaiah 33:2

LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.

Joshua—early 20s—is a young believer and serving in the Air Force. May the Lord fill him to overflowing in solid Biblical truth vs the worldview encroaching on our young adults and culture. And may he grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ . . . serving our nation in good health (mind, body, soul) under the holy protection of God’s hands.



Psalm 94:18-19

When I thought, “My foot slips,” Your steadfast love, O LORD, helped me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.

James—about to turn 30 this coming week—is a believer seeking God’s face and a breakthrough on several fronts: (1) understanding and wisdom on fiscal decision-making; (2) direction and a stronger footing in his life; (3) restoration where needed and continued alignment to God’s ways; (4) God’s intervention to heal and repair familial relationships; (5) salvation and growth in God for Alex and her entire family.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Prayer Requests March 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs are listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


Ready? Let the battle commence. Intercessory prayer is strategic, seeking God’s face, His will, His direction.


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


March 2024

6 Prayer Listings




1 Samuel 2:1b,2

“My heart exults in the LORD! . . . There is none holy like the LORD, for there is none like You; there’s no rock like our God.”


We prayed for K.M. (last prayer list) who was experiencing the wounds of a breaking marriage.


Well, God stepped in! K.M. sought the Lord, heard from Him, and was joyfully blessed by God’s intervention. Her husband has turned his heart toward the marriage and is seeking God’s desire.


It’s a process, so more prayers are needed. But they’re taking the first steps for reconciliation, working through issues and intending to seek pastoral counseling.


May our King continue to draw them to Himself, His ways, His love, and to one another—a three-stranded-cord marriage. Thank you, Lord. You are the GREAT I AM, overflowing with power, kindness, and mercy. Praise His Holy, Glorious NAME.



Isaiah 42:16

This sweet Christian brother is going through a shifting from the Lord. He’s at a crossroads, searching for a new place to live after being with his two brothers for a long time. He’s seeking God’s direction and favor for a peaceful transition—and salvation for his older brother, James.



PSALM 57:1

We’ve prayed for her before—back in November and December 2023 about her cancer diagnosis. Now she’s begun radiation treatment. May God spread His glorious wings, sheltering her in His mercy and healing.



PSALM 63:7

A beautiful sister in the Lord recently had to downsize again and has boxes everywhere . . . but has COPD (on oxygen) and other health issues. She needs God’s wisdom, perseverance, and blessings from others to help when she’s ready for extra hands.



PSALM 18:28

This dear 25-year-old is in a difficult battle against cancer of the esophagus. May the Lord rise up and command the enemy’s hands removed from her and may the blood of Jesus cover and heal her.



2 CORINTHIANS 4:8-9, 16-18

Being on the frontlines of this powerful ministry (from Israel, to Israel, and out to the world), the Behold Israel team (in Israel, the US, Canada) and their family members are under heavy attack. Please pray for them! They give so much to the work of the Lord despite their trials.


* Israel: Amir (Israeli Jew/Christian, ministry founder), his wife (Miriam), and family. Two of their four children—a son and a daughter—are serving in the IDF. Need I say more? Their eldest son has served prior. Amir is pressing forward like a modern-day Paul, focused on the Lord. May God greatly shield their entire family on all levels, blessing them at every turn.

* Stateside: Gale (VP of Ministry Service) and his family are likewise being hit hard. His adult son (early 40s) has leukemia and has started treatment. The entire family needs the Lord’s gentle touch, His healing hand and deep mercy through this extremely difficult season.

* Canada: Nick (Director of BI in Canada) is suffering with severe back and body pain. May our King speak healing and comfort over him—and may God’s grace and rest cover his wife Tina and their family.

* Stateside: Joanne (BI’s Ministry Care Coordinator) has been enduring some serious health issues and faces yet another surgery. May the Lord lift her to His heart and breathe healing throughout her body, mind, and soul.

* Stateside: Pastor Mike’s father (Gary) is quite ill and in the hospital. May the Lord embrace Gary and his entire family with His comfort, strength, and deep peace.

* Stateside: Steve Yohn (writer/editor who teams with Amir on his books) has had a lengthy health battle. May the Lord bring forth the right doctors, excellent medical staff, and best treatments to usher in complete healing bathed in God’s immense mercy. And, if He’s willing, may He intervene with supernatural healing.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Prayer Requests February 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers united in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus.


© (.com and .org) & All rights reserved.


Join us before our King . . .


Recent prayer needs listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


Let the battle commence. Intercessory prayer is strategic, seeking God’s face, His will, His direction.


I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry. —Psalm 40:1


February 2024

7 Prayer Listings



Psalm 34:18

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Carmella’s longtime friend, partner, and fiancé–Gary–passed away unexpectedly on Monday, February 19. May his memory be a comfort to her and every family member both now and throughout this year. And may the faithful, loving presence of the Lord be a source of great strength for her in the days and months ahead.



Psalm 145:17-19

A strong believer in the LORD, J.B. seeks His wisdom for her high-pressured medical job, His favor in a financial investment, and His loving intervention in her friend’s life (Eric) who needs salvation through Jesus our Messiah.



Psalm 71:15-17

Lisa has stood on her Rock, her Messiah Jesus, through a stroke, cancer, and Lupus. Walking with a limp and a cane, she still is going strong, praising her King. Lord, please bless her abundantly for sharing her uplifting testimony and for her kindness to us at the cinema.



2 Corinthians 5:17

Henry needs a divine appointment with the Lord for salvation. He is doing drugs, his girlfriend is pregnant, and she may need to return to jail. Currently, he has no visible means of support to take care of himself or the child or his girlfriend. May their hearts, minds, and souls be turned toward God–and may the Lord’s mighty hands protect this unborn child.



Psalm 91:4

Christian marriages are under assault—the enemy’s troops are on the move, deceiving many spouses in ways that lead to betrayals, separations, and divorce. May the Lord embrace these women whose husbands have gone prodigal. May our King of Glory cover Colleen, K.M., and L.G. (along with her little daughter, Abigail) with His truth and holiness, ushering in His discernment, healing, leading, comfort, and protection as they maneuver a painful separation and transition period.



Jeremiah 17:14

May the Lord’s mercy cover Maureen from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet and bring healing to her lungs, removing aches and pains, worries and fears. May His Name be magnified.



Psalm 90:17

Ian’s an owner of a business selling international spices. He had been doing well, but due to overly zealous litigious lawyers in California that have brought down many such businesses, things are difficult for Ian right now. He appreciates your prayers for his business. May the Lord restore his business or lead him to a new one, using all of this to bring Ian closer to Him and salvation through Jesus, our Messiah.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

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