Desire Of My Soul

Hineni . . . Here I Am

A soul-questing-with-GOD blog.


Transversing the spiritual crevices and story threads within God’s Word.

The formidable heights of Genesis 1:1 . . .

“In a beginning within a beginning within a beginning”

to places of His silence and subterranean, murmuring depths.


“Your Name, even Your memory is the desire of our soul.” Isaiah 26:8


Standing on a bridge between Judaic and Messianic thought.

Sometimes as a tightrope walker. A trapeze artist.

Along a bashert—divinely appointed—unchartered journey.

Reflecting. Respecting. Reascending.

My soul can breathe here.

The air is clear. A delicate balance.

My soul can move here.

Unhindered. Unshackled. Unshaken.

Hineni . . . here I am, Lord.

Soul Dancing on the Bridge

Before you explore the blog series and posts . . .

do you need prayer?

Please send an email so we can intercede for you.


Jeremiah 33:3. Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.


Psalm 95:6. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!


The LORD MOST HIGH is His NAME, our faithful, merciful REDEEMER . . . the majestic Way-Maker, the only Promise-Keeper, the MIGHTY ONE of Israel, of heaven and earth, of you and me.