Red Alert. Are you STANDING FIRM or SHIFTING with the WIND? Here’s a message the Lord sent me that may help you in the erratic, unpredictable atmosphere surrounding us.
As 2024 stood in the ready, a restless spiritual longing that had been stirring within me for a while surfaced. The eventual calm came with four key phrases God impressed on me—the last one is a command. Here’s what He showed me.
The Call. For you and me in the LORD. Several moving parts woven together—here’s what I sensed God impressing on me during the special watch time as 2022 vanished and 2023 moved to the forefront.
Expectant hope from waiting on Him. Let’s unpack the words He set before me.
Like a turnstile, 2021 marks a year of turning. Here are words and scriptures to help us be prepared for what’s ahead.
A divine spark. A flash image. A scripture suspended before me. But this time it was a sound . . .
This time the soul-to-soul watchword was a scripture: 2 Timothy 3. It hung, suspended in the air over my prayer chair. A wake-up call for all of us.
When chaos rises like a whirlwind . . . God’s Word reminds us where to stand and who we are: His living stones.
Rosh Hashanah in the fall of 2020—the LORD called my attention to JUSTICE. The word is weighty . . . vital to understand so the beating of God’s heart.
A dream with three parts—with a fire-flash word from God. Here’s the wake-up call.
My midnight prayer time started off with a red alert: a word-image that would set the course for the months ahead . . . and applies to your soul as well.
Shaking. That was the watchword the LORD had me pray in those wee hours in July 2019—even through the end of 2020. Here’s why.