Desire Of My Soul

ABC Roadmap to Heaven: Grow in the Lord


The prior post walks you through the ABC steps for a restored relationship with God. Now here are some recommendations for online and radio biblical teaching to help your soul grow in the Lord.


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Suggest reading the prior posts in the series first: ABC ROADMAP TO HEAVEN: THE BROKEN BRIDGE.




Ready to grow in the Lord and firm up your spiritual foundation, walking with Jesus?


In this post are . . .


(a) four action steps to grow your knowledge and understanding

(b) solid online and radio resources—for balanced biblical teaching and more




1. Read the Bible. It’s critical nutrition for your soul—and helps you discern God’s truth vs. satan’s tricky lies. Get the basics and build from there, including end-times prophetic issues you’ll want to track.


You may find these translations easier to understand: ESV (English Standard Version) or NLT (New Living Translation) or NKJV (New King James Version). With that, opt for an information-packed study Bible with commentary and helpful notes: The Thomas Nelson NKJV Study Bible is robust, offering 1,000 articles, study notes, full-color photos, illustrations, maps, tools, etc.


The Book of John is an excellent starting point. Actually, all the Gospel accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, John—tell the Good News of our Messiah and reveal what our Heavenly Father desires of us.


But don’t neglect the historic beginnings of the “Old Testament” (Tanakh, Hebrew Bible), because it is the dot-connector—housing the concealed mystery of God from Genesis 1:1 onward that later is revealed in the New Testament.


2. Broaden your knowledge listening to well-grounded Christian radio stations and their online streaming sermons for more on-demand teaching. Many Christian radio stations also play uplifting, God-affirming music to get you through your day.


3. Get plugged into a local rock-solid Bible-teaching church—one that is sold out for God, true to His Word and true regarding Jesus our Messiah, teaching line-by-line the totality of the Scriptures . . . and teaching the fullness of biblical prophecy in light of today’s events (with Israel as God’s prophetic centerpiece) so you understand the hour we are in and what it means to you, those you love, and the world.


4. Spend time in daily prayer—God longs for your fellowship. So talk to Him. But like any good relationship, it’s a two-way street. Wait in that stillness before Him to hear His voice . . . it may be something from His Word that He’ll impress on you or words and teachings from your Bible reading and studying that minister to your soul.






CSN RADIO, Christian Satellite Network (listen live online too). They have an array of teaching ministries (and books/CD/clothing products) and a must-hear daily Bible call-in show Monday-Friday—To Every Man An Answer—that helps you learn, call in to ask questions, and spiritually grow. Find your radio station here.






INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN APOLOGIST DON STEWART will walk you through those tough biblical questions and share sound views on end-times prophecy. He offers free book downloads as well as other informative products for purchase on his site. Don graduated cum laude from Talbot Theological Seminary and the International Seminar in Theology and Law in Strasbourg, France, as well as from Biola University. He is a best-selling and award-winning author/co-author of over seventy books.







OLIVE TREE MINISTRIES, RADIO HOST/AUTHOR JAN MARKELL, a Jew/Christian who has long been a bastion of truth, heralding the call to prepare for end-time events. (Thank you, Jan!) Wonder what in the world is going on regarding biblical prophecies? Listen to Jan’s weekly radio/online show: “Understanding the Times.” She and her guests discuss current events via a biblical backdrop to help you stand against deception and become a prayerful watchman on the wall in these last days.


Visit Olive Tree Ministries online to listen to her show (or listen via Alexa or podcasts or on the radio), buy books/merchandise, and subscribe to her quarterly newsletter.


ISRAELI-JEW/CHRISTIAN TEACHER/AUTHOR AMIR TSARFATI, founder of Behold Israel. To me, Amir is used by God like a modern-day Paul. Amir has traveled the globe to equip, teach, exhort others through a biblical prophecy lens. What to expect: Excellent, factual, insightful biblical end times/prophecy teachings with a no-nonsense approach, based on our Judaic roots—and with Middle East and prophetic news updates from Israel. Watch, listen, get plugged in online, on social media, and more. Check out his new Behold Connect that will bring teaching from Galilee and be a source of news as well as a resource for those living in Israel, visiting Israel, and tour groups.







PASTOR/TEACHER JD FARAG at Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii isn’t shy about taking a stand for God’s Word and ways—and he’s a strong supporter of Israel. Born in the Middle East and of Arab heritage, JD is deeply in love with the Lord, is transparent in his sermons (often with humorous examples to aid your understanding), and teaches passionately and honestly about our Messiah, the Scriptures, and biblical prophecies. I find it refreshing that during a teaching he will pause to seek the Lord about adding something to the message that just came to mind.


His teachings are through-the-Bible/line-by-line and available via his site (taught on Thursday nights and at his second-service Sunday mornings).


PLEASE NOTE: JD’s Bible teachings are solid. His weekly Prophecy Updates are his opinions on today’s news/events in relation to relevant biblical prophecy. Those updates are delivered unreservedly—and not always for the fainthearted. Whether you agree or disagree with his viewpoints on current events, his biblical teachings on Thursday evenings and second-service Sundays are spot on. Dive in.




PASTOR/TEACHER JACK HIBBS from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. His energetic, making-it-real, well-grounded teachings will inform, stir you into action, and help you grow in your Christian walk. He teaches through the Bible, line by line, connecting the dots for the hour we are in. Jack’s sermons are on his site and throughout social media.




PASTOR/TEACHER/AUTHOR GREG LAURIE from Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, CA. Listen online or on over 1500 radio stations nationwide. Clearly gifted in evangelism, Greg reaches where you live with solid teaching, humorous stories, and numerous resources, from books to films and Crusade events.




MUCHO THANKS: To Pastor JD Farag for doggedly sharing the ABC Steps for Salvation concept—Admit, Believe, Confess—after every Prophecy Update teaching.


CREDITS: Lit cobblestone photo by Ray Fragapane on

CREDITS: Bible opened/Thy Word a Lamp photo by Kelly Sikkema on

CREDITS: Young people wearing jeans on laptop photo by John Schnobrich on

Desire of My Soul Author
Ann {D'Vorah} Consiglio Castro. Book developmental editor. Book line editor. Writer. Daughter of the Living God, following Him on a bashert—divinely appointed—unchartered journey. Exploring the subterranean deep of Adonai's words, stories, character, faithfulness, love. Stirring the soul toward Him, bridging understanding along the Judaic-Messianic/Christian continuum for His Glory.