Desire Of My Soul

Prayer Requests August 17, 2024: Watchmen Before the Throne

A group of fellow believers unite in prayer as one in our Messiah Jesus to stand in the gap before the throne for others.


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Please join us before our King . . .


The latest prayer needs: listed below.

Email your prayer requests:


The world is staggering, about to be shaken as you sift us in this hour of human history. LORD, we call out with these four selected lines of the ancient Hebraic prayer, Ana B’Koach:


We beg You with the strength and greatness of Your right arm, free the bound (untangle the knot) . . . Powerful and Holy One, in goodness lead Your flock . . . Unique One, Exalted One, turn to (face) your people who remember your holiness . . . Accept our prayer and hear our cry, Knower of mysteries.


Song of Songs 5:2a. I was asleep but my heart was awake. A sound! My beloved is knocking!


Psalm 40:1. I waited expectantly, patiently for the Lord until He reached down to me and heard my cry.


August 17, 2024



Thank you, LORD, for for the victory you will give Israel. For all those you have allowed to survive. For all those who you have saved and are saving and will save, opening up your Book, your Word, that they may know the glorious gift you have given us and your redemptive plan in Jesus, our Messiah. “He has helped his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy.”—Luke 1:54



#1. Jessica

From our last prayer list: Jessica, a near-21-year-old, went to church a few weeks ago and received the LORD. And she just got a job! May the Lord continue to guide her and make a way for her to attend the young adult group at church to build her walk in Him.


#2. Maria

From our July 14 prayer list: Maria (in Spain) was in depression and is being treated for her attempted suicide. She’s now volunteering at the Red Cross. May God turn her heart toward him, to believe/receive His reward in Jesus for salvation and may he help her understand that He Alone is the true desire of her heart and the answer to her every need.


#3. Baby Matty in Philippines

From our last prayer list: Baby Matty made it through the cleft surgery! But he now needs healing for an infection from the surgery. LORD, thank you for your kindness in helping Matty. Please now strengthen him for this next surgery, which we’re told is going to be more traumatic to his little body. Clothe him with your mercy.


#4. Alexandria

From our last and prior prayer list: Alexandria is a young woman who is incarcerated but trying to get her life back on track. She just finished her high school degree while inside and had her graduation on 8/14/2024! LORD, thank you for encouraging Alex along the way to this milestone. May she now turn her eyes to you. Help her soul to hunger for you and your Word . . . and not be fooled and lured by the world’s mindset and spiritual darkness surrounding her in that environment.




#5. Jamie

Psalm 25:6

Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.”

Bittersweet update. With God’s grace and bathed in your prayers (thank you all so much), Jamie made it through the hip socket surgery. He was to be moved to a rehab center this week, which was delayed due to a setback with pulmonary edema. But now the rehab isn’t going to happen. His stage 4 lung and liver cancer have spread even more . . . and he’s hoping to return home for at-home hospice care.

We bow before you, LORD, grateful for helping Jamie through the hip-socket surgery. Blessed Redeemer, this cancer continues to spread and is weakening him, unless you choose to step in. But it’s your will, your timing, your holy desire that we seek. Please stretch out your wings and draw Jamie beneath them, gently, mercifully, calmly, in your quiet love, as he looks to you along this final leg of his journey down here. Please strengthen him and his family (mom, brothers, children/grandchildren, cousins, etc.) during this time, especially the family members caring for him in this hospice state. And may their time together during these days be blessed and precious in your sight.


#6. Daniela

Job 42:2

I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

From our last prayer list: Daniela has returned to the States from her internship at Calvary’s Bible College in Dumaguete, Philippines.

Our God is a Mighty Warrior. LORD, please establish the roots of Daniela’s calling, open doors for her ministry work, and deepen her love for you. Abba, create in her a courageous spirit for evangelism wherever she goes.


#7. Jeanelle

Psalm 69:16

Hear me, O LORD; for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.

Thank you for interceding for Jeanelle’s SOS Prayer Alert. When diagnostics showed an abnormality in the uterus, she underwent an endometrial biopsy. Please keep praying—she has a hysterectomy scheduled for September 30.

O Glory of all, Majestic King your eye is on your daughter who has walked faithfully with you for years. Let her see the greatness of your hand in this, in unexpected, wondrous ways. May your Name be lifted up, be exalted, our King.


#8. D.

Psalm 68:35

You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.

For reasons unknown, D. suffers periodically with a respiratory infection.

May the power of the cross—its healing, deliverance, life-giving, and boundless love—emanate throughout her body for restoration, encouragement, and a reprieve from this ongoing condition. Help her rise up, strengthened by your chesed (lovingkindness) and your voice within the crevices of her soul that is affirming your love.


#9. Isobel

Colossians 1:13

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.

Isobel is struggling with discouragement fueled by spiritual warfare.

Abba, cast out the darkness and flood her soul with your Light, your calm, your rest. Silence the enemy’s voice, his lies, and stretch out your hand to stop the fiery demonic darts attacking her.


#10. Allie

Psalm 13:5

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

Allie (friend of Daniela, #6 on this list) has been diagnosed with bone cancer. The shock of the news is disorienting . . . the suddenness of an unexpected life turn is jarring.

LORD GOD MOST HIGH, cover Allie with your garment of comfort. Release healing from your throne according to your will. May the excellence of your ways be evident in every medical treatment and care . . . and we seek your supernatural intervention for your glory and Allie’s good.


#11. Vee S.

Psalm 36:10

Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart!

Vee (a believer in Jesus her Messiah and a Catholic) has battled cancer many times, but now in her senior years, the cancer has returned and spread to her liver and elsewhere. Many days she prays for Jesus to call her home to Him.

Sweet Shepherd, our Deliverer, let your strength and mercy rain down from your throne and envelope Vee in this difficult, draining fight. Carry her in your arms, help her to feel your comforting presence, and cover her with your shalom (completeness and a peace not of this world).


#12. Bernie

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We’ve prayed for Bernie’s anticipated hip surgery—now she finally received the date: October 10 at 9 am Eastern time.

Glorious King, guide every step, from these preparatory days through the actual surgery and rehabilitation time frame. Please draw her closer to you with blessed assurance as you help her handle every detail ahead of time at home and for her family’s needs so her mind, soul, and spirit are at rest in you.


#13. Ginny

Jeremiah 1:8

Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the LORD.

Ginny needs healing & salvation. She’s 40 years old but has multiple health problems and is always in and out of the hospital.

El Gibbor, our Mighty God, Ginny must be weary and frightened . . . and perhaps, hopeless. Please step into her life in such a way that the wonder of your Gospel message with its blessed hope (Jesus) revive Ginny spiritually and physically.


#14. Erica

Psalm 40:13

Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me! O LORD, make haste to help me!

In her 30s, she greatly needs God’s redemptive hand, salvation in Jesus, and deliverance from the demonic pull and confusion of a Woke culture and family.

King of kings, there is none like you. Erica’s soul needs your cleansing, your hand to cut the ties that are binding her, your true freedom in Jesus. Let your Truth, Life, and Way surround her on every side so her spiritual eyes are awakened to You.


#15. Anonymous

Lamentations 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Diagnostics on this man, a believer in Jesus, revealed “something” in the pancreas—possibly a stone. Further tests will be run for clarification and next steps.

El Elyon, our God Most High, you are the great Revealer. Please give wisdom and understanding to the doctors so this man will gain relief from the condition he’s been living with since late last year. And by your hand and love, may he be healed.


#16. Kevin

Hebrews 4:16

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Battle on. When God moves, the enemy stirs. God has ushered positive, new things to prayerfully ignite a new chapter in Kevin’s life—going back to a Christian university for a bachelor’s degree in Christian Studies with emphasis on Global Ministries. And he started his new job and likes it. Now he needs God’s covering and to stay armored up against the enemy’s wiles to derail things.

LORD, protect these gifts from you, your lovingkindness is too wonderful for us to comprehend. Please continue to help Kevin in his walk with you, in his work, and in his family. Gird him and raise up his soul for your glory.


#17/#18. James & friend Cole

Philippians 4:19

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.


(a) James, a believer, is seeking God’s open doors and guidance.

Abba, hear the heart of your son, James, and lead him forward in your Word, growing his spiritual maturity and firming the ground beneath him per your will and purpose.


(b) Cole is James’s longtime friend. Cole needs salvation and the right truck-driving work so he can eventually leave town for a better place.

Change is the word, LORD. Change in his thinking about you, change in his soul through redemption from Jesus, and change in his work opportunities that take him to better, healthier (spiritually and otherwise) living.


PHOTO CREDIT: Wrecking ball photo only was purchased from (my text was inserted onto the photo afterward).

Desire of My Soul Author
Ann {D'Vorah} Consiglio Castro. Book developmental editor. Book line editor. Writer. Daughter of the Living God, following Him on a bashert—divinely appointed—unchartered journey. Exploring the subterranean deep of Adonai's words, stories, character, faithfulness, love. Stirring the soul toward Him, bridging understanding along the Judaic-Messianic/Christian continuum for His Glory.
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